Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Benefits of Access Control Systems for a Small Business

Access control might be something that small business owners mistakenly consider to only be appropriate for larger office blocks and locations. However, thanks to the flexibility of the systems, their installation can represent significant advantages for even the smallest of concerns. Advantages of Access Controls Systems for Small Business     Advantages for commercial and


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Why You Need Security for Your Luxury Yacht

Owners of luxury yachts hire the services of a range of staff to service their needs. Superyacht ownership is on the increase and with it the penchant for travel to more exotic locations. With those on board being of high net worth, the need for security isn’t simply a consideration, it’s a crucial necessity to


Monday, May 25, 2020

The Top Five Safety and Security Issues in Hotels

Hotel safety and security is a serious matter. Even the smallest of residences are obliged by law to adhere to certain standards. Any location that takes paying guests—ranging from luxury hotels through to hostels and small-scale bed and breakfasts—must pay on-going attention to the facility’s safety and security. While the subject is wide, the following


Friday, May 22, 2020

Ensuring Your Safety with an Online Dating Private Investigator

Online dating scams are on the rise, and with more and more of us turning to the internet to find love, this is only set to continue. This makes the use of an online dating private investigator an essential component for your safety and ensure that you only pursue relationships with those who’re genuine in


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why is IoT Security Important?

The IoT (Internet of Things) explosion has led to a revolutionary shift in the way we conduct our lives. From smart speakers to remote security monitoring, self-driving cars, or the ability to dial up the heating and air-con in the office from a distance, there’s barely a corner of our lives that isn’t touched by


Why Your Small Business Needs Security Monitoring

When you’re pouring extended hours and effort into the success of a small business, security safety might be something that’s overlooked. For single-person operations, family-run companies, or those who only employ a handful of staff, ensuring robust security is something that often slips down the order of priorities.  This, however, is a huge mistake—one that,


Friday, May 15, 2020

The Dangers of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the most common methods by which companies and individuals are exposed to cybercrime. While many of us might consider that we’re savvy enough not to be taken in by these threats, the evolving dynamics used by such criminals means that their success rate continues to be something that should concern


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why Do Hospitals Have Security Guards?

Security guards are a common sight in hospitals across the country. But why are they needed in a location where the sole reason for existence is to provide care and help to those in need? The answer is complex—and one that ranges from the obvious to those that you might not initially spring to mind.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Having Fire Watch Guards

In any place of work, be it a construction site, office building, manufacturing plant or similar, there are both legal and moral obligations to ensure those who work and visit are adequately protected in the event of a fire. While automated fire systems are obligatory in most locations, there are some instances when their use


Monday, May 4, 2020

Why You Need a Private Home Security Patrol

Home security comes in many guises, one facet of which is a private security patrol. With crime in certain areas experiencing levels that can’t be adequately policed through regular law enforcement agents, the use of a private home security patrol is becoming a popular option for many. The following looks at the reasons behind this
